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These are just a few happy stories of the lucky ones adopted

from the streets or the horrible shelters of Romania. 

Check out some heartfelt stories, the before and after moments.  



Star arrived at the Craiova spayathon covered in tar.  It took volunteer Bonnie hours to loosen the tar from her damaged skin.  

The incredible Bonnie adopted Star, and she now lives in VA with Vulpe.

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Sam lived on a chain in Bulgaria and was brought to one of our spay campaigns.   Her owner said she was a nasty and vicious dog.   Volunteer extraordinaire Suzy fell in love with Sam and was determined to get her to NJ.  And Sam now lives with Suzy and Milt happily ever after 

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Willow lived on a chain all her life.  A rescuer noticed she had a huge mammary tumor and brought her to the Center of Hope.  There it was discovered she had heartworms and a bladder tumor.  This girl was in big trouble and could not return to that life. She was adopted by our wonderful Nancy & Rory and lived happily ever after in Northern California. 


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Eli was living in complete misery in a private shelter.  Although he looked like an old dog he was in fact only months old. 

This lovable big boy is now living his best life in Maine with the amazing Jane. 




Brought in to our Tecuci spayathon by the dog catchers.  She was a deaf puppy living on the streets 

The incredible Debra Ries from VT was volunteering and adopted her 

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Vulpe was brought to the Craiova spayathon in 2011.  She was brought in by dog catchers from the public shelter. Volunteer and dearest friend Bonnie fell in love with her and adopted her on the spot.  



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Kitty was scalded by hot oil and brought to the Center of Hope.

She is now named Mimme and was adopted in the UK.

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Well what did this poor little stray have going for him ?  Not a darned thing. Brought into the Center of Hope extremely anemic and ill from flea and tick infestation.  One ear had been cut in half and his tail had been cut.  His nose was burned with a hot bar in the belief this would save him from distemper.  The Angel from Maine opened her doors and heart to Chappy.  He now knows only love and security 

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Billy was hit by a car outside of Bucharest.  A Good Samaritan tried to rescue him but he himself was hit by a car and died.  Billy had a broken back.  After surgery and months of rehabilitation at the Center of Hope, Billy is now healed and living a marvelous life in Germany 

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Mazzie was found by students and brought in for help.  She was found a lovely home in the UK  

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Stella arrived as an emergency from a private shelter.  

She had gotten stuck on a fence and was partially degloved.  Still a puppy herself it was discovered she was pregnant and the puppies had died.  

After many transfusions and months of care she found the home of her dreams with Joke in Holland 

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This little fellow was brought into the hospital in terrible condition.  Full of bloodthirsty parasites and highly anemic.  The Dream Team saved his life, and he now lives in Germany. 


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He was found by Marius in Bucharest wandering the streets with a broken back.

Annie from WI fell in love with him and adopted him into her loving home.  Alfie inspired Annie to assist with adoptions of many other handicapped dogs as well as adopting more herself, including little Daisy.

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Daisy was found by Cristina by the side of the road.  She was hit by a car and hiding near a sewage pipe. Cristina brought her to the Center of Hope.

Daisy now lives WI with our dearest friend Annie 

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Anna Marie was only a puppy when Nancy Janes found her in Romania in 2006.   The circumstances of her broken back are not known, but she was probably hit by a car or bus on the streets of Galati, Romania.

She is most likely the first handicapped "wheely" dog to be adopted from Romania.   She's gone through 4 wheel carts and loves to hike, loves the city and loves the country.   Anna Marie lives happily ever after in the Janes household.  

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Rosalinda was run over by a car near Craiova.  She spent 2 months under Homeless Animals Hospital program at Family Vet receiving treatment and plastic surgery.  She now lives with our friends Dana and Janina. 

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Stella  was brought to the Center of Hope in terrible condition.
She was eating, drinking and living on a 1 meter chain under a carriage.  She gave birth to more than 10 litters of puppies that never had a home.  She had a bad eye injury that was very painful every time she blinked.  COH brought Stalla back to health and now she is in Holland with our dearest friend Chabeli with Stichting Le Woef.

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A 3 or 4-month-old boy was abandoned near a train station and hit by a train.  His leg was crushed.  He was brought into the Center of Hope.  He did not make a sound, even though he must have been in excruciating pain.  A family in Finland adopted him, and is now thriving in his forever home.

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Ursa lived in Sighetu Marmatiei Romania.  RAR was notified of her deformed legs and she was taken to Bucharest.  After an assessment by our vet team it was decided nothing could be done for her legs.  

Nancy saw her photos and she knew that Ursa needed a place to romp freely so she adopted her to California and now Ursa is getting a wonderful life she deserves. 

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Megan was a puppy living on the streets in Bucharest's Chinatown.  She was sleeping under a car that ran over her right hind leg.   She was brought to the Center of Hope Hospital.  Her leg could not be saved, however, she is now a perfectly happy tripaw. Her story and photo touched the hearts of Rory in California. She now lives happily ever after with Rory, Nancy, and their furry family. 

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Welcome to America Mira.  RAR was contacted by a soldier formerly stationed in Romania.  While in service he fell in love with a little stray puppy.  Through lots of miracles, Mira was found and brought to the Center of Hope where she was prepped for her big trip and new life in Spokane WA. 

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Mayrose was tied to a tree when she was found and had two puppies with her.  She was blind in one eye and they were all starving. She is now living her best life in Holland thanks to placement by "Stichting Le Wolf".  One of her puppies was also adopted to Holland.  The other puppie passed away due to parvovirus.

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Angel was found abandoned in a field and starving with 10 puppies.  She and her puppies were taken into St. Francis shelter.  

Angel was adopted in Holland through "Stichting Le Wolf".  2 of her puppies are being adopted to the US and the rest are looking for homes.

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One of Angel's puppies (see above) just arrived in Brooklyn Marie, Ohio. 

Angel and her 10 puppies were dumped in a filed. 

Echo is one of the 10 puppies that has been adopted and is now living her best life with Ada in Ohio, US.





Piper had a horrific start in her life, found by the side of the road. Her left side had been hit by a car and her back leg & and front paw had to be amputated. Our veterinary staff at the Center of Hope nursed her back to health.  She was there for one month until Ingrid (our VP and Board Member) fell in love with her during one of her volunteering trips there and now she is living her best life with Ingrid in Seattle WA.



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Just over six months ago, you were found on the street by one of the volunteers at the Center of Hope. She saw you wandering along a busy road, but you were too scared and ran. After an intense 6 months of medical care and social training, Sprit came back to life and is the dog he was always supposed to be.

Thank you to Stichting Le Woef for finding Spirit his forever home and family in Holland.

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A Good Samaritan brought Mustache to the Center of Hope having found her in agony with 2 severely broken hind legs.  She had intensive surgery with external fixators to allow the bones to heal.  After months of recovery at Center of Hope, she boarded the Stichting Le Woef happy bus to Holland where she’s living a wonderful life!

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Poor Teardrop was brought to Center of Hope in a terrible state.  Yet a puppy, he had contracted heartworms and a severe case of mange with an accompanying skin infection, anemic and starved.

Our amazing partner Stichting Le Woef found Teardrop the perfect home in Holland!

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Dr.Aurelian Stefan was asked to help a starving dog with severe mange that was abandoned in a yard. When she arrived at Center of Hope she had 8 puppies with her.  We named her Martha. 

Martha hopped on the Stichting Le Woef happy bus and has a lovely new home in Holland.  And next up the puppies will also find homes.  We’re so grateful to our partners!

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Remembers this bald freezing little puppy found in a plastic bag on the side of the road in Romania.  

She was treated at Center of Hope and then adopted in the Netherlands by our wonderful partners Stichting Le Woef who found a fabulous home.

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He was found in terrible condition, with multiple broken bones, a body full of mites, and completely dehydrated. Life on the street was too hard and really affected him. But this little rascal had a last bit of hope and confidence hidden somewhere. A handful, but also full of love! And that's what he got for months at his foster families. untilhe was finally seen… and even better, adopted!




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So much to process, so much to learn, so much to experience and so much to catch up on. Ursulina now named Lina, went from a life on the street, to a kennel and finally to the life she deserves as part of a family. 

Our dearest Lina is now in her new home, with her family who is taking her along on this great adventure and happy life! “


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From the streets, with a major injury to her neck, running across the street and managed to stop all traffic, picked up and brought to our hospital, brought back to health then took the happy bus to the Netherlands (courtesy of our adoption partner Le Woef Foundation) into the arms of her new family.


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Do you remember our little puppy Tinkerbell, brought to our clinic in the most terrible condition? She was treated by our excellent dream team, who gave her the best medical care and lots of love. She fought and fought, and over time, we saw her change from a scared, injured little puppy into a beautiful girl who now lives happily with her new family. 

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She was rescued during a Dumitresti spayathon, where she was brought to us from the street, neglected, and abused.  She was so scared and timid.  We took her in and sheltered her at our hospital until our partner, Le Woef Foundation, found her a family.  She is now in Holland, living her best life.

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She was brought to the Center of Hope, skin and bones and could barely walk.  She was nurtured back to health at our hospital, and one of our vet techs, Bianca, fell in love with Sofia and adopted her.   Sofia is now enjoying her wonderful life with her new mom in Bucharest, Romania. 


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He who wandered the streets for years and was finally noticed. When it was almost too late…. He was so weak, starved and dehydrated. The severe neglect required urgent medical care. Which of course he received at the Center of Hope! A blood transfusion was needed to regain his strength and help his body recover. Months passed by and he has now grown into this incredibly handsome man!  In the meantime, his savior has fallen so in love him that he can stay with her forever

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He who wandered the streets for years and was finally noticed.  He was so weak, starved and dehydrated. The severe neglect required urgent medical care which he received at the Center of Hope!  A blood transfusion was needed to regain his strength and help his body recover. After several months of care he grew into this incredibly handsome boy and his savior had fallen so in love with him that he decided to adopt him.

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She was rescued by our crew back in late November, from a field, where she was found badly injured (broken ribs and large open wounds) most likely from escaping a bear. She was brought to our homeless animal hospital/COH and brought back to health, after several surgeries and treatments. We have found her a forever home with a wonderful family in Colorado, US. 

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She was found all alone, skinny, injured, and neglected. No one was there to rescue her until dog hero Stefan saw her! Not long after, the poor girl was infected with the deadly parvo virus and had to fight for her life! But as small as she was, so strong! And she even managed to overcome that too. This beautiful, sweet girl is about to go to her happy family!

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From a life of hell to the equivalent of Heaven.  Found injured and limping with bone fractures so bad that his front leg had to be amputated.   

Now he is living his best life in Holand with his new family, who saw him for adoption, thanks to our partner, Le Woef Foundation, and immediately fell in love.  

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Billy's owner sold his home and Billy came with the home.  The new owner dumped him in a parking lot as a guard dog & ended up in chains without shelter.  He got sick and infected with anaplasmosis from ticks.  Liliana, a concerned citizen, called RAR US and had Billy brought  to our Center of Hope where he was treated for a salivary cyst.  Billy was adopted by Liliana and lives in Florida.

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Found in terrible condition on the streets.  He was unable to go potty due to a major infection.  After three surgeries at our Center of Hope, he was back to full health.  Thanks to the care of our homeless animal hospital and Le Woef Foundation, he was adopted by his forever family.

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Found chained, with no food or shelter or water, and had just given birth...A heartbreaking scene, as she was just skin and bones and pups cried of hunger.   

Our rescue team brought her to our spayathon taking place near by and the rest is history.  She is now in Germany with her forever family, and her pups were also adopted. 

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The beautiful girl who was rescued from the chain by the Stichting Le Woef team and put up for adoption.  She was skin and bone.  It took a while for the right human to discover her, but finally she is now living her best life with her forever family.  

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She beautiful sweet Cutza, who has been through so much, from multiple collisions, bullying, losing her buddy but still wagging her tail and still had a spark of hope.  But all that misery is finally over thanks to the Center of Hope and Stichting Le Woef, she was adopted and now living in Holland with her forever family.

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In a little of a shelter, old and wise,

over 10 years waiting for something better to come. You sat there silent and thoughtful for ten years every single day.  A life full of misery and sadness. But still a heart so loyal.  You waited a lifetime, but no longer because of Stichting Le Woef, you now can take steps toward the life you deserve, and your forever home, full of love and warmth. 

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Unrecognizable, from before, brought to our Center of Hope with a leg so deformed that there was no option but to amputate it.  It took him some time to get used to being on 3 legs but this sweet face is now running around haply.

But your day came when Stichting Le Woef found you your forever home in Germany.

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From misery to love, this little boy was brough in after being attacked by a group of dogs.  He was in pain, fear and misery. 

But now almost unrecognizable, wounds completely healed and with his forever family in Romania. 

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This little puppy was skin and bones and in a horrible painful condition. A good samaritan brought him to our Center of Hope, where one of his legs had to be amputated due to a major injury.  After the love and care at our hospital, he was discovered by a good human and now lives happily ever after in Romania.  

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Found by Le Woef Foundation and Romania Animal Rescue volunteers during one of their trips working at the Center of Hope, sick w/ parvo and barely surviving.  At COH, she was also diagnosed with diaphragmatic hernia, and underwent surgery. Rick and Sander (loyal Le Woefers) followed Lilly closely on social media and quickly fell in love with her.  Lilly is now part of their beautiful family.

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Found by the side of the road next to a pile of trash, this precious little girl was so happy to be picked up by Stichting Le Woef and Romania Animal Rescue volunteers.   She was brought to the Center of Hope and vaccinated and spayed.  Getting promoted for adoption by Stichting Le Woef, she was quickly adopted by her forever family and living her best life in Holland.

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Le Woef Foundation and Romania Animal Rescue rescued this cutie from the chains. Chained his entire life to a log, with no shelter, he was still so happy, wagging his tail. Brought to our Center of Hope, he was treated for a tumor and when back to full health, he was quiclly adopted and living his best life in Holland. 

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After ten years behind bars, sharing a kennel with unfortunate dogs, there wasn't a day that he could go outside freely because there is no such option in a shelter of 350 + dogs.  Begging for attention, your day finally came.  Thanks to Stichtin Le Woef, your life fully changed and you were adopted and living the life you always deserved.  

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After 12 years on a chain, living a miserable life, this sweetheart finally got her ticket out.  Brought in to the Center of Hope, to undergo urgent surgery for an inguinal hernia and a mammary gland tumor, she was brought back to health and had a chance of adoption.  Stichting Le Woef found her a home.   Now almost 13, she is relaxing in the sun together with her human, both enjoying their late years together.

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Wiley was found by a soldier at a US Army base in Romania. He took care of her and saved his food for her every day and in return she would greet him every morning and wrap her paws around his legs. He knew that he had to take her with him.   He reached out to RAR US and with our help and the care at the Center of Hope, Wiley was on her way to the US, to be with her new dad. 

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Pluto was abandoned, like so many other dogs in Romania.  Our friends at St. Francis of Assisi shelter took him in.  This shelter houses over 350 abandoned dogs.  We were asked to help and were so fortunate to find an excellent rescue group in PA that welcomed Pluto and found him the home of his dreams and totally spoiled.

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Gigi had been posted on Facebook by numerous people who saw her roaming the streets of Bucharest.

A Good Samaritan finally got her and called RAR US in tears asking for help.  The excellent rescue group in PA, and now dear friends, welcomed her to their rescue and found her a loving home.

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Clyde was a poor soul, on the streets all his life, matted hair he could hardly see and walk.  He was hit by a car but luckily our Catalin saw him and rescued him.  He was brought to COH and brought back to health and was then adopted and living in the UK. 

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Marius was brought to our hospital after being hit by a car and dragged along the asphalt.  He was paralyzed from the waist down.  He received a lot of treatments and a wheelcart so he could be mobile.  This is all a bad memory, as Marius is now with his forward human and able to walk on his own.  

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